Laguna Verde, Jinotega
Caturra, Catuai
Anaerobic Fermentation
2 ud af 6
Tropical Fruit, Wine, Caramel
Stronghold S7
Batch størrelse
Det var i 1795, at arabica-kaffe først blev introduceret til Nicaragua. Alligevel var starten besværlig, yderligere hæmmet af jordskælv og orkaner samt borgerkrige i landet og amerikanske importforbud under den kolde krig. Først i slutningen af det 20. århundrede blomstrede Nicaraguas kaffeindustri og blev selvbærende, hvilket støttede næsten 300.000 arbejdere, alt takket være de kaffebønder, der holdt ud gennem alle forstyrrelserne.
Næsten 95 % af kaffen, der dyrkes i Nicaragua, er skyggegroet i højderne. Ved at dyrke kaffen i højder mellem 1.100 og 1.600 meter over havets overflade opfylder den kravene til Strictly High Grown-kaffe, sammen med den frugtbare vulkanske jord og et gunstigt klima. Nogle af de bedste arabica-kaffesorter dyrkes i Nicaragua, såsom Bourbon, Typica, Catimor og Caturra. Mange gårde ligger blandt vilde skove, og kaffen dyrkes ofte under beskyttelse af skyggetræer.
Gæring i forseglede plasikfade
Ilt udledes og erstattes med CO2 og andre biprodukter, og de typer mikrober, der kan overleve og deltage i gæringen, begrænses af manglen på ilt. Resultatet er en meget udtryksfuld smagsprofil.
Efter ca. 18 timer er den anaerobe proces startet og forårsager en nedbrydning af slimstoffet.
nedbrydning af mucilage
Denne eksperimentelle proces giver uventede og komplekse smagsoplevelser, samtidig med at den giver producenten stor kontrol over sukker, temperatur, tryk, pH-værdi og fermenteringens længde.
Når kaffen er taget op af tanken, tørres den for at standse fermenteringen.
tørret for at standse gæringen
Den 8-10 dage lange tørringsproces foregår på højbede - eller afrikanske senge. Højbede fremmer luftgennemstrømningen, og dermed kan de fremme en jævn og hurtig tørring.
Thanks to our close collaboration with Café Nor we can bring you this intriguing coffee from the jungles of Jinotega. Café Nor focuses on giving technical assistance on improvement of production output, sustainable farming and certification in order to improve the socio-economic and environmental sustainability of the participating farmers and their communities.
Cafe Nór consists of two farms, Finca Jesper and Finca Yahoska – both situated in the northern Nicaraguan municipality of Jinotega. The two farms are used as trading hubs for coffee, agro-materials and other commodities for small and medium sized coffee growers with scarce access to larger markets and who the major coffee exporters do not finance due to size and logistics.
Finca Jesper located in Laguna Verde at an altitude of 1400m. All coffee here is shade-grown, meaning that it's grown under a canopy of trees. Shade grown coffee greatly benefits the local flora and fauna, the environment, as well as the taste by letting the cherries ripen slower. The area is abundant with wildlife and to preserve the original forests and watersheds sustainable land ownership is practiced.
The team has developed gravity pumps, which are used to lift water to where it’s needed without the use of fuel. These gravity pumps lift the so call “honey-water” up to tanks from where it can be used to irrigate the coffee. The coffee is divided into lots according to varietal and planting year and each lot gets the specific treatment it deserves. Coffee pulp, a byproduct from fermentation, is composted and returned to the land to use as a natural fertilizer.
Long before the conquistadores arrived, the Jinotega region was occupied by artisans, farmers and warriors. Descendants of Pre-Colombian peoples filled the valleys and jungles with their rich and varied culture. The name itself is thought to come from the Nahuatl word "Xinotencatl," meaning alternately "City of the Eternal Men" or "Neighbors of the Jiñocuabos (Mangy tree)."
This region, situated high in the Isabella mountain chain, grows between 65-80% of Nicaragua’s coffee. The coffee sector is mostly made up of smallholder farmers with 1-3 hectares of land. Soil here is fertile. Slopes are densely forested, misted by clouds, and home to huge biodiversity.
Jinotega shares its northern border with Honduras, and the region is a wonder of cliffs, waterfalls, hotsprings, and of course, quality coffee. In fact, over 30 coffees from this region have placed in Cup of Excellence competitions.